Who I am, professionally 

My love of data journalism came as a surprise to me, after beginning to cover the findings of other analysts and custom polling results about 8 years ago. In 2016, I exercised my own analyst muscles, creating a database of insurance departments across the country, after which I was hooked and began learning everything I could. Since then, I've graduated from all-spreadsheets-all-the-time, to incorporating SQL and R in my methodologies; led numerous data-driven projects across teams; garnered national media coverage for NerdWallet data and covered analyses in podcast, print, radio and TV broadcast interviews. I've also become the in-house data expert on our team of ~100 writers and editors.

I've been at NerdWallet since 2014, now as a senior writer and data analyst. I find my work extremely rewarding. See my portfolio for some of what I've created while here. Prior to coming to NerdWallet, I freelanced full-time for about 7 years, covering mainly legal and health topics. I'm also currently pursuing my Masters of Science in Finance and Economics, and am eyeing a May 2024 graduation.

Who I am, personally

Here's a smattering of random facts about me:

 -  I love old houses. In fact, in the middle of a pandemic, over the holiday season, I bought one, sight-unseen and half way across the country. I wrote about it here, and chronicle my restoration work on Instagram (@1885hannahouse).

 -  I'm a competitive powerlifter, and live to squat, benchpress and deadlift.  

 -  I have roughly 50 houseplants, 2 cats and a dog. Maybe I like things that depend on me for their livelihood, or maybe I like (occasionally) talking to living things that don't talk back. 

 -  I have a fairly large collection of unread books. And I know I'm not the only one. That whole, "I'm not buying anymore until I read the ones I have!" never works, no matter how serious I am when I say it.

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